Rating: 10/10
In this hilarious installment in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, Greg and his family inherit money from Aunt Reba's will after she passes away. They decide to make an addition to their house, and at first it is working well. But just like everything else the Heffleys try to do, the addition soon starts to fall apart. The loud noises are annoying to the neighbors, and other things cause much inconvenience to them. For example, one neighbor's cat stepped on the nails used for the addition, and the Heffleys had to pay the vet bill. Another example is when the concrete from the mixer truck spilled all over a neighbor's flower bed. Other than causing inconvenience to the neighbors, the addition caused the Heffleys many problems. For example, when they cut open a hole in the wall for the addition, they found a family of rodents living in the walls, and they had essentially let them loose. They also found a wasp nest in the hot tub. Finally, they found out that the addition had crossed over into their neighbor's property, so they couldn't continue. They had to scrap the addition, leaving a giant hole in the wall. I think the funniest part of the attempted addition was when one of the workers had to use the bathroom, but Greg didn't feel comfortable with a stranger using the bathroom in his own house, so he set off the smoke alarm so that everybody would clear out. Anyways, as the addition didn't go well, they started trying to find houses to move to. At last, they went to an open house and the house was extremely good. But, they had to sell their house to be able to afford the new one. So they started sprucing up the place so that they could have an open house. When people came, they didn't exactly like the house, but there was one family that came late who absolutely loved it. So, the Heffleys started getting ready to move and packing everything, but as usual, things fell apart. The movers came one week early and said that the Heffleys had two hours to get everything ready, so they packed extremely quickly. Also, the chimney broke and so did the couches (long story). In the end, the family that was going to buy the house terminated the deal, and the Heffleys couldn't move. All in all, another hilarious, gut busting book by Jeff Kinney, every single detail was refined so well, this is definitely an A+ read. Now, happy reading!